Manual: Reporting Container Cargoes

This manual explains how container cargoes should be reported electronically via BICS, or a Stowage application in combination with BICS, in accordance with the electronic reporting obligation: CC/R 2007-1 under Protocol 14 and CC/R 2007-2 under Protocol 20.


  1. Electronic Reporting of Container Cargoes

1. Electronic Reporting of Container Cargoes

When reporting container cargoes, the following guidelines apply. Distinctions are made between:

  1. Hazardous cargoes in containers;
  2. Non-hazardous cargoes in containers;
  3. Empty containers.

In the Container Matrix, the correct total number of loaded and empty containers per length must always be specified. Ideally, all containers (loaded and empty) including all container information (number, type, and stowage location) should also be listed as detailed cargo lines. This way, the exact cargo, weight, container number, type, and stowage location of each container are known and can be reported to IVS-Next or another receiving system.

The following paragraphs describe how these detailed cargo lines for container cargoes should be specified for each situation.

1.1 Hazardous Cargoes in Containers

In accordance with the electronic reporting obligation, you must report the following information for hazardous cargoes in containers:

  • Name and ADN data of the hazardous substance, and the weight of the cargo in the container (excluding the weight of the container itself).
  • Container number (e.g., HLXU4444495) and container ISO type (e.g., 42T3). This is mandatory for hazardous substances. You must specify that the hazardous cargo is in a specific container, including the distinction between a freight or tank container.
  • Stowage location (optional but recommended).

Note: Empty, non-degassed tank containers (previously containing a hazardous substance) must be reported as a tank container with hazardous cargo (the previous cargo) and a weight of 0 (also known as "empty of").

Below is an overview of how the container cargo data for hazardous cargoes must be reported:

SituationName of the Hazardous CargoWeightContainer Info
All info knownActual name of the hazardous cargo in the containerWeight of the cargo in that containerContainer number + ISO type + Stowage location
Not all info is known*Reporting according to reporting obligation rules is not possible  

* It is not allowed to have unknown information about the hazardous cargo and/or the container. You are required to have all relevant information (ADN and container data) of hazardous cargoes available and reported.

Example (of hazardous cargoes in containers):

NoWeight (t)SubstanceCodeNameLoading placeUnloading placeContainerTypeLocation
  • The first line contains a container with the hazardous substance Mercury.
  • The second line is an example where the tank container is empty of Gasoline.

The number of loaded/empty containers in the Container Matrix must then match (at least) the number of containers entered in the detailed cargo lines, possibly supplemented with additional numbers (e.g., empty containers).

1.2 Non-hazardous cargo in containers

For non-hazardous cargo in containers, you need to report the following:

  • Number of loaded containers per category (in the so-called container matrix).

If more information about the cargo and container is available, also report the following:

  • Type/name of the non-hazardous cargo in the container and the weight of the cargo in the container (excluding the weight of the container itself).
  • Container number and container ISO type (to clarify that the cargo is in a container).
  • Stowage location (optional).

In practice, it happens that not all information about non-hazardous cargo in containers is always known or available. To report cargo in a container, the container number is a mandatory item.

Below is an overview, in decreasing order of preference, of how to report the cargo data for non-hazardous cargo in containers:

SituationName of the non-hazardous cargoWeightContainer info
All info (cargo & container) knownActual name of the non-hazardous cargo in the containerWeight of the cargo in that containerContainer number + ISO type + Stowage location
Cargo not known, container info knownName: PIECE GOODS or GENERAL CARGOWeight of the cargo in that containerContainer number + ISO type + Stowage location
Cargo not known, container info knownName: UNKNOWNWeight of the cargo in that containerContainer number + ISO type + Stowage location
Container info partially known (number not, type known)*Actual name of the cargo, or name PIECE GOODS or GENERAL CARGO, or name UNKNOWNWeight of the cargo in that containerNumber unknown, use "UNKNOWN001" etc. as a unique container number. Specify container type and/or stowage location as known
Cargo and container info not known**Name: CONTAINERS xxFT LOADEDTotal cargo weight in those xxFT containersNo container info

* If the container number is not known but the type is, use a unique temporary number (e.g., "UNKNOWN001", "UNKNOWN002" etc.) as the container number and specify the type. This allows the receiving system to recognize that it is cargo in a container. Using temporary container numbers is not ideal and should be seen as a last resort due to the lack of a correct number.

** If both the non-hazardous cargo and the container information (number & type) are unknown, at least one cargo line per xxFT category must still be included with the substance name "CONTAINERS xxFT LOADED" to indicate the weight. The "xx" stands for the length of the container (20, 30 or 40+ ft).

Example (of non-hazardous cargo in containers):

NoWeight (t)SubstanceCodeNameLoading placeUnloading placeContainerTypeLocation
1200,000HS8708000001AUTO PARTSWemeldingeGoesAMFU841843342000020102
2300,000HS9909000104PIECE GOODSWemeldingeGoesCAIU206169242000130402
4120,000HS9909000104PIECE GOODSWemeldingeGoes 2200 
5500,000HS8609000008CONT. 30FT LOADEDWemeldingeGoes   
  • The first line contains a non-hazardous cargo "AUTO PARTS" in a container (actual name of the cargo is specified).
  • The second and third lines are examples where the non-hazardous cargo in the container is not specified, but the container information (number & type) is known.
  • The fourth line is an example of a non-hazardous cargo in a container where the container number is not known, but the type is. In this case, it is recommended to use unique temporary numbers like "unknown001", "unknown002" etc.
  • The fifth line is an example of a collection of containers with non-hazardous cargo where no container information (number & type) is known. In this case, the total cargo weight of that group must be given.

1.3 Empty Containers

For non-hazardous empty containers, you must report the following:

  • Number of empty containers per category (in the so-called container matrix).

If more information about the (individual) empty container is available, also report the following:

  • Container number and ISO type;
    • If you do not have the container number of the empty container, only include the numbers in the container matrix and do not add separate cargo lines for empty containers without a number. Cargo lines without a container number are considered as cargo outside containers.
  • Weight of 0 (the container is empty);
  • Stowage location (optional).

For empty containers:

Situation*Name of the non-hazardous cargoWeightContainer info
All info knownName: EMPTY (NO CARGO)0Container number + ISO type + Stowage location
Container info partially known (number not, type yes)**Name: EMPTY (NO CARGO)0Number unknown, use "UNKNOWN001" etc. as unique container number. Container type and/or stowage location as known
Container info not known***Do not include cargo line. Only include container numbers in the Container matrix  

* Empty, non-degassed tank containers that previously contained hazardous materials must be reported as tank containers loaded with hazardous cargo (the previous cargo), with a weight of 0 (also known as "empty from").

** If the container number is unknown but the type is known, a unique temporary number (e.g., "UNKNOWN001", "UNKNOWN002" etc.) must be provided as the container number, along with the type. This ensures that the receiving system correctly processes the container type and the fact that it is a container. The use of temporary container numbers is, however, not ideal and should be considered a (poor) alternative due to the lack of a correct number.

*** If both the non-hazardous cargo and the (empty) container information are completely unknown, do not include a cargo line (only the numbers in the Container matrix).

Example (of empty containers):

NoWeight (t)SubstanceCodeNameLoading placeUnloading placeContainerTypeLocation
10.000HS8609000004CONT. 30FT EMPTYWemeldingeGoesAMFU841843432V40100201
20.000HS0099999999EMPTY (NO CARGO)WemeldingeGoes 43000100103
  • The first row contains an empty container for which both the container number and type are known.
  • The second row contains an empty container for which the container number is unknown. In this example, it is recommended to use unique temporary numbers such as "unknown001", "unknown002" etc. Additionally, for the substance name in this empty container, the alternative "EMPTY" is used instead of "CONTAINERS."

The weights for empty containers are always 0, as the cargo weight must be reported exclusive of container weight. In the container matrix, at least one 30ft and one 40ft empty container must be reported according to this example.